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Top Tips for Writing a Compelling Headline

Capture Attention

A compelling headline is the gateway to your article. It's the first thing readers see, so it needs to grab their attention and make them want to read more.

Use Strong Verbs

Start your headline with a strong verb that conveys action or urgency. This will help to draw readers in and make them curious about what comes next.

Keep it Short and Sweet

A headline should be concise and to the point. Aim for around 5-10 words that accurately represent the content of your article.

Use Keywords

Include relevant keywords in your headline to help readers find your article through search engines.

Create a Sense of Curiosity

Leave readers with a sense of curiosity and a desire to learn more. Ask a question, tease a surprising fact, or present a problem that needs to be solved.

Example of a compelling news headline:

NASA Discovers Hidden Treasure on Mars, Leaving Scientists Baffled
